Moritz Moses Rothschild, 28 August 1833 – 12 August 1902

Moritz Moses Rothschild was born in Vöhl 28 August 1833, and was the last child born to Ascher Rothschild and his first wife Sprinza Sternberg. Moritz would not have remembered his mother, because she died on 5 September 1833, when Moritz was just 8 days old. Her death necessitated Ascher find appropriate care for hisContinue reading “Moritz Moses Rothschild, 28 August 1833 – 12 August 1902”

Rebecka Rothschild Emmanuel 1831 – June 1883

In the beginning, what we knew about Rebecka might have filled a paragraph. Daughter of Ascher and Sprinza, born in Vöhl in 1831, was reportedly given 10,000 guilders by her father before she left home to make her way in the world, never to be heard from again. Really, that was it. And then 2019Continue reading “Rebecka Rothschild Emmanuel 1831 – June 1883”

Adolph Rothschild and Kathinka Luja: Separating Facts from Family Lore, and Some More Suppositions, Part 2

Before we go too much further, I want to take some time to talk about Kathinka (kuh-TINK-uh). I have always loved this painting of her, loved the idea of her working as a barmaid (or in a tobacconists shop), and loved the thought that Adolph loved her enough to change his entire life to beContinue reading “Adolph Rothschild and Kathinka Luja: Separating Facts from Family Lore, and Some More Suppositions, Part 2”

Abraham Adolph Rothschild and Kathinka Luja: Separating Facts from Family Lore, and a Few Suppositions, Part 1

Abraham Rothschild was born 28 December 1829 in Vöhl, Hesse, Germany, the 7th child and 4th son of Ascher Rothschild and Sprinza Sternberg. Abraham was not quite 4 when his mother Sprinza passed away in 1833, and he most certainly would have gone to live with his guardians, Ruben Rothschild and Helene Sternberg. Abraham appearedContinue reading “Abraham Adolph Rothschild and Kathinka Luja: Separating Facts from Family Lore, and a Few Suppositions, Part 1”

Adolph Roth 28 December 1829 – 22 March 1921: Family Lore

In 1977, my mom, Jeannette Elizabeth Roth Price Woolf, decided she wanted to learn more about her paternal line, so started researching. She took a genealogy class at BYU and learned out to use research logs, organize files, take notes, write letters, keep track of whatever she was working on, etc. Mom was meticulous inContinue reading “Adolph Roth 28 December 1829 – 22 March 1921: Family Lore”

Friedericke Rothschild and Wilhelm Eberwein: Addendum

Since my last post, I’ve been working away on the next blog post, presumably about Abraham Adolph Rothschild. I mean, that was the plan. And then this morning, I received an email response to an inquiry I’d sent to the Kirchengemeinde in Mörfelden, Hesse, Germany. Mörfelden is where Wilhelm Eberwein served the Lutheran community fromContinue reading “Friedericke Rothschild and Wilhelm Eberwein: Addendum”

Friedericke Rothschild Eberwein, 1827 – 10 May 1911

Let me start off by saying it wasn’t until July of 2019 that we even knew about Friedericke. She wasn’t listed on the Synagogue Vöhl website, and we hadn’t seen any mention of her anywhere else. And even when we did find out about her, we gave her the wrong name. Sort of. So letContinue reading “Friedericke Rothschild Eberwein, 1827 – 10 May 1911”

Jacob/James Otto Rothschild, 3 February 1825 – 12 January 1893

Jacob Otto Rothschild was born in Vöhl 3 February 1825, the 5th child and 4th son of Ascher Rothschild and Sprinza Sternberg, and the grandson of Salomon Abraham Rothschild. Jacob was 8 years old when his mother, Sprinza Sternberg Rothschild, passed away on 5 September 1833. He most certainly was placed in guardianship with theContinue reading “Jacob/James Otto Rothschild, 3 February 1825 – 12 January 1893”

Bertha Rothschild Ballin — Addendum

Bertha’s date of birth presents a conundrum. While it’s perfectly believable that she and older brother Selig are nearly 2 years apart, the problem is that she could not be born 9 November 1824 and her next sibling, Jacob, be born 3 February 1825. As I sat down to start working on Jacob’s blog post,Continue reading “Bertha Rothschild Ballin — Addendum”

Brotmanblog: A Family Journey

Adventures in Genealogy